Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Cupang serit atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan Crowntail (ekor mahkota) Asli diciptakan dan ditemukan di Indonesia

Kita selaku penggemar cupang dari Indonesia patut berbangga karena salah satu jenis cupang hias yang banyak digemari oleh hobiis yaitu cupang serit-crowntail, merupkan ikan asli ‘cetakan’ peternak indonesia. dan hobiis betta internasional pun mengakui hal ini. Berikut kutipan kami dari sebuah situs hobiis cupang hias ( 
The Crowntail was founded 1997 in West Jakarta, Slipi, Indonesia, and the creator was an Indonesian breeder named Achmad Yusuf (Iyus), who called it ‘cupang serit’ in Indonesian. When Henry Yin showed this fish in one of the IBC shows, he named it CROWNTAIL.
Sudah seharusnya kita terus melestarikan cupang serit ini dan lebih mempopulerkannya pada ajang kontes dunia.

Hystory Of Betta Splenden

Basically about betta splendens or indonesian called him as cupang hias on historically. Betta Fish are said to have gotten their name from an ancient clan of Asian warriors called the “Bettah”—a little different with betta splendens history that was written in bahasa on this blog–. They were given these warriors’ names because about 150 years ago people enjoyed participating in a popular sport that involved the fighting of two of these warrior fish.  (In fact, the sport was so popular that it was regulated – and taxed – by the King of Siam!) One interesting note about Betta fish fighting is that, unlike cock or dog fighting in the west, at Siamese fighting fish tournaments, the actual fight was more to test the bravery of the fish, rather than a fight to see how much damage would be inflicted, or a death match. Spectators bet on how long a particular fish would fight, and which one would give up first.  (In fact, most fish would only fight once or twice, and then live out the remainder of their lives being pampered and used for breeding.),

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Do You Know that First Name of Betta Splendens is Macropodus Pugnax?

According to historical accounts, a close friend of the King of Siam (Thailand’s King on ancient), Dr. Theodore Cantor received a pair of breeding Bettas from the king in 1840.   The doctor bred them and studied them for several years, and then wrote a scientific paper about them, giving them a Latin name of “Macropodus Pugnax.”  However, shortly after his paper was published, Dr. Cantor discovered that a species by that name already existed, and so the fish were renamed “betta splendens"